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Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

The Egg Hunt last weekend was a great hit!! Thanks so much for all that attended and congrats to those of you that won our basket drawings and coloring contests.

We're already planning for next year. MORE EGGS and MORE PRIZES seems to be the main topic. If you have any comments or suggestions they are appreciated. Also, any suggestions at making our store better to serve you and the area.

Sorry to those that commented here on the blog and I never got back to you. It's been a hectic week with the Egg Hunt, the ending of the third quarter for my kindergartener, Easter, and my oldest son's birthday on the 14th.

You can always always e-mail me directly at reneeconrad@verizon.net or call the store 886-6845 and leave a message. I'll be posting a few pics of last weekend here shortly.

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